Donations / Bequests

Donations and bequests are gratefully received

Mt Torrens Soliders' Memorial Hall
Southern entrance of the Mount Torrens Soldiers Memorial Hall

Since its opening in 1923 the Mount Torrens Soldiers' Memorial Hall remains a community owned asset and is managed by a not-for-profit Incorporated Association.

With any property, and now a 100+ year old building, there is ongoing maintenance and need for improvements.  

Donations and bequests are gratefully received to ensure the Hall remains a valuable community asset for future generations.  

All funds go directly to the Hall, with no administration fees, as the Hall continues to be managed by volunteer community members.

Donations and/or bequests can be made to:

Mount Torrens Soldiers' Memorial Hall Incorporated

34 Townsend Street, Mount Torrens SA 5244

The Committee of Management of the Mount Torrens Soldiers Memorial Hall Incorporated thank you for your consideration.